of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.
It is easy to become discouraged by current events -- even to fall into despair -- but we know that God has given us a hope. Not just a hope of eternal life in heaven, but also a hope to carry us through our everyday lives. He has promised peace and joy beyond understanding if we keep our minds on Him.
At Christ Mission Church of the Apostolic Faith we are fully persuaded of the Gospel of Jesus Christ and its promises.
We aspire to reach the lost with the love and word of God; and desire to bring God's people into understanding and fellowship with Him.
We praise God, reach out in the community, and provide classes & certification courses.
We are located in Northeast Philadelphia, but our membership is from across the city of Philadelphia, even New Jersey.
Pastor Viola J. Cullars
In June 2004, the Lord called her friend and confidant, Pastor Florine Moore, home. The mantle was passed on to Evangelist Viola Cullars and in July 2004, she was elected the Pastor of Christ Mission of the Apostolic Faith, Inc.
Pastor Cullars is a woman of prayer and admonishes all to develop a personal working relationship with God. It is her belief that the saints should always be alert to the voice of God, acknowledge Him in all thy ways and he will direct your paths.
One of Pastor Cullars’ favorite scriptures is Exodus 33:14-16 – “The Lord replied, My presence will go with you and I will give you rest…”